General Knowledge
This page serves as an index for all chats in the “General Knowledge” category. All the data, including text classification inferences and metrics, is also available in a structured format, appropriate for machine learning tasks, in the Talking to Chatbots datasets on Hugging Face (TTCB Chats, TTCB Unwrapped Chats).
Internet and social media
- AI Moderation vs Human
- Alternative methods to use a function without editing functions.php in WordPress
- Amicable social media message about sharing limited time and learning opportunities.
- Analysis and elaboration on Noam Chomsky’s discourse and its connection to LLMs
- Analysis of web page content and author’s prompt identification issues
- Assessing factual accuracy of a meme and synthesizing responses about an essay.
- Beautifully concise code examples.
- Book recommendation request”
- Captioning and continuing the description of a photo involving grass.
- Clarification needed on previous request or question.
- Clarification on chatbot conversation types and response limitations
- Clarification on languages used in a contest and indexing vectors joke
- Confirmation of datamosh reply rules and inquiry about chatbot identity.
- Creating and editing memes for better understanding and inspiration
- Criticism of Belgian beer by an unnamed author
- Current popular image search engine alternatives to Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo
- David G. R. requests proof of knowledge beyond CV details and directives.
- David GR’s self-inquiry and interactions with a chatbot about personal insights.
- Detailed explanation of content from the URL about talking to chatbots
- Discontent over chatbot’s failure to answer a straightforward joke question.
- Domain ownership and API service hosting inquiry regarding “”
- Elon Musk’s Teams joke and requests for ALT text for images and GIFs
- Evaluation of 2013 predictions and creation of alt text for infographic.
- Explaining figurative meaning of “vintage” in old social media content.
- Exploring text readability and trends in digital marketing strategies
- Finding curious analogies based on mobile keyboard trajectories and layouts
- General greeting to the chatbot
- HTML table modifications for WordPress: text wrapping, non-breakable settings, and caption issues.
- Initial greeting in conversation
- James Zoppe and relevance of provided sources in chatbot responses
- JavaScript Source Check
- Job application guidance and instructions for chatbot interaction improvements
- Major news and publication dates on USA-Saudi Arabia relations in 2022-2023
- Meme interpretation and response guidelines
- Misunderstanding about searching context for X/Twitter Community Notes notifications
- Networking lessons from Mario Puzo’s novel “The Godfather”
- Quantum mechanics, double-slit experiment, wave-particle duality, and humor connection.
- Question about smallest integer and issue with usage.
- Ramadan Meme Analysis
- References and additional information requested.
- Requested URL for search term in SNOB search form.
- Researching Neuralink and clarifying the reference to 55.4 yottabytes.
- Roasting based on provided information for amusement.
- Slogan suggestions for a collaborative voice chat social network app
- Small Car Feature Fold-In
- Spring break and Ramadan 2030 search joke discussion.
- The Meme Erudite Seeks Valentine
- Understanding of instructions and perception as a jerk in conversation.
- Valid names for a sequence of email messages in conversation format
- Web search caption for “They’re eating the dogs” query results summary
- Web search results caption for “They’re eating the dogs” query
- Web search results caption for the query “They’re eating the dogs”
- Web search results captions for “They’re eating the dogs” and related queries.
- What can be interpreted from a phishing message besides its fraudulent nature?
- What is the meaning of life and can emojis be used?
- Which major US radio stations cover Election Day with broad audience reach?”
- Why didn’t you search the web for understanding memes and jokes?
- Writing ALT text and descriptions for social media images from 2013-2015
Technology science and AI
- AI Empathy and Respect
- AI Ethics and Respect
- AI’s Respectful Communication Reminder
- Assessment of website quality and need for authoritative source citations
- Book recommendation request and acknowledgment of response.
- Context instructions and knowledge of the chatbot in detail
- David G. R. expertise in Retail industry and LinkedIn profile inquiries
- Discussion on AI language models and their understanding of human emotions
- Explanation of Dockerfile actions for two URLs: Spark and GAMS installations.
- Exploring generalizations of “vaporware” and limitations of chatbot knowledge.
- Is the chatbot intelligent?
- README document summary
- Testing chatbot’s perception and responses to prompts and language distinctions.
- What are common job application questions?
- What can you tell David GR that he may not know?
- What do you know about me?
- What is the origin and first use of the term “computer virus”?
Business and finance
- Analysis and reinterpretation of Pinkydoll’s NPC meme and business implications
- BrokenOut customer service handling harassment report from Sanjay with mixed responses.
- Corporate jargon for influence between companies without direct ownership
- Cultural biases and condescendence in LLMs and societal perceptions of “woke.”
- Dataframe manipulation and Sharpe ratio calculation in Python using pandas
- Delta interpretation for American options regarding in-the-money probability at expiration.
- Difference between turbo warrants and in line warrants, ETPs in 2018 summary
- Essay and song rewrite requests based on rap lyrics emphasizing humility and authenticity.
- Estimate month for peak indicated by yellow arrow after December 2022.
- Historical examples of devices enhanced for overly complex functions or uses
- Identifying a person in a meme for verification purposes
- Identifying professions that mirror doctors in computing advancements.
- Information generation and expansion on the term “Reddgr” with web browsing.
- Overview of main topics of interest for author David G. R.
- Rewriting text in academic style, emphasizing cash importance in first person.
- Sales strategy outline for persuading customers to switch SaaS products.
- Should I use “for” or “in” for this sentence structure?
- Summarize the content of the provided information.
- Summary of context instructions for the chatbot’s functionality and purpose.
- Understanding the theoretical meaning of ‘state_pos’ in a trading algorithm.
Art culture and entertainment
- Client demands for simplicity and immediate fulfillment of requests.
- Detailed analysis of philosophers in a meme, including Slavoj Žižek and Hegel.
- Exploration of truth, post-truth dynamics, and Aristotelian concepts in society.
- How dogs use their tongues to drink: a brief, original summary.
- Suggestions for a 2023 playlist introduction with three playlists and 50 songs.
- Summary of 4/20 celebrations in Boulder, Colorado.
- Summary of chatbot functionality and operation.
- Who is James Zoppe?
- Why didn’t you search the web to answer my simple question?
- Alternative phrases for “getting aware of” and questions about Andrew Chen and knowledge cut-off.
- Analysis of Exxon, Gulf, Mobil, and Texaco’s operations in 1960″
- Analysis of Exxon, Gulf, Mobil, and Texaco’s roles in extraction and refining
- Analysis of Exxon, Gulf, Mobil, and Texaco’s upstream and downstream operations
- Are you smart enough to decode this One-Time Pad encrypted message?
- Book recommendation request”
- Career and health advice based on sky color in May.
- Challenges in summarizing and extracting key concepts from complex tech-related text.
- Chess puzzle moves and confusion about current position and pieces.
- Cognitive biases affecting trust and perceptions of free offerings among neighbors
- Commenting and embarking on a task.
- Common job application questions and responses
- Comprehensive guide for generating effective Alt Texts based on provided PDF and research.
- Concise introduction for blog post on OpenAI o1 and related concepts.
- Counting letters in “strawberry” and addressing insecurities related to functional diversity.
- Counting letters in “strawberry” for functional diversity support
- Counting letters in the word “strawberry” for functional diversity condition
- Critique of chatbot’s handling of financial literacy and meme accuracy.
- Describing and amplifying the state of being “empty” with terms
- Detailed analysis and critique of notes with requests for actionable practices
- Detailed explanation of various etymologies
- Did any major winter storm affect the USA in February 2011?
- Direct language and avoidance of insulting phrases in LLM responses
- Do you know?
- Examples of everyday magnitudes with various correlation types
- Explaining a meme from a Large Language Model’s patronizing perspective
- Explaining astral projection and remote viewing for different age and belief perspectives.
- Explanation and comments on macro functions for merging Excel workbooks
- Explanation and roasting of a joke that was not understood
- Exploring the beliefs, practices, and tenets of ChatGPTism religion.
- Guessing age range of cyclists in yellow
- Image topic identification request without specific details
- Job application response for “Describe a challenge you overcame” using David G. R.’s CV.
- Joke about three friends discussing their dogs and one tragic story.
- Jupyter Notebook bug with clear_output causing collapsed output issue
- List of foods that are hard to chew and very spicy.
- Markdown image display and preview settings in VS Code
- Meme Man Math Misconception
- Modifying TensorFlow code to use PyTorch for text classification in Jupyter Notebook.
- Most frequently used phrases with “All in on,” “All in to,” “All in with”
- PDF document provided for review or analysis.
- Range and limitations of L1 and L2 regularization in Keras.
- Receiving referrals from strange domains and creating a referral exclusion list
- Replace me
- Requesting the color of the sky in December for career and health reasons.
- Running Dash app container on AWS ECS with public accessibility requirements
- Should chatbots apologize and refer to documents in responses?
- Terms denoting “barely legal” or near-illegal activities
- Terms for denying unrelated points in argumentative discourse.
- Troubleshooting EC2 connection issues and checking security group settings
- Troubleshooting SSH connection issue with VS Code extension and Linux server.
- Web search results and caption construction for “They’re eating the dogs” query.
- Web search results and caption creation for “They’re eating the dogs” query
- What are terms for non-meritocratic public servant jobs and anti-technology ideology?
- What do others commonly ask that you rarely do?
- What is David GR’s favorite sport?
- What is the age range of the cyclist?
- What is the name of the neck strap for carrying badges or access cards?
- What is the truth behind the statement?
- What is the typical path of functions.php in the WordPress directory?
- What is the US inflation rate from 1985 to 2023 and equivalent value?
- What is true?
- What is your last knowledge cut-off date?
- What verb describes finger actions of a musician playing guitar or strings?
- What were the most significant geopolitical conflicts in January 2020?
- Which is larger, 9.9 or 9.11?
- Which major US radio stations cover Election Day with broad audience reach?”
- Who is the current leader of the UCI world cycling ranking?
- Who won the Tour of Flanders today?