Alternative methods to use a function without editing functions.php in WordPress

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😎 I added a function the functions.php of my theme, but I no longer can edit functions.php, which must remain intact. What is an alternative way to use the function. For your information, It’s the function below, to enable a shortcode (WHAT IT DOES IS IRRELEVANT TO YOU, YOU NEED TO SAY WHERE TO PKLACE THE CODE NOW AND HOW):

// Shortcode to display child pages
function display_all_child_pages($atts) {
// Extract the parent page ID attribute, if provided
$atts = shortcode_atts(
‘parent’ => 0 // Default to 0 if no parent ID is provided

$parent_id = intval($atts[‘parent’]);

// Query all child pages for the specified parent
$child_pages = new WP_Query(array(
‘post_type’ => ‘page’,
‘posts_per_page’ => -1, // Ensures all results are retrieved
‘post_parent’ => $parent_id,
‘orderby’ => ‘title’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’

// Start the output buffer to capture the output

// Check if there are child pages
if ($child_pages->have_posts()) {
echo ‘‘;
} else {
echo ‘No child pages found.’;

// Reset post data

// Get the output and return it
return ob_get_clean();

// Register the shortcode
add_shortcode(‘list_child_pages’, ‘display_all_child_pages’);

// grok page:
🤖 If you no longer have the ability to edit the `functions.php` file of your theme, **but you still want to use the function** to register and enable the shortcode, there are alternative ways to include this code in WordPress. Here are the options:

### 1. **Use a Custom Plugin (Recommended)**
The cleanest and most future-proof solution is to place this function in a custom plugin. Plugins are ideal for adding functionality that is not tied to a specific theme.

Here’s how to create a custom plugin:

#### Steps:
1. **Create a Plugin File**:
– Access your WordPress installation via FTP, cPanel File Manager, or your hosting’s file manager.
– Navigate to the `wp-content/plugins/` directory.
– Create a new folder, e.g., `custom-shortcodes`.
– Inside that folder, create a new PHP file, e.g., `custom-shortcodes.php`.

2. **Add the Code**:
Open the new `custom-shortcodes.php` file and paste the following code:

    0 // Default to 0 if no parent ID is provided
       $parent_id = intval($atts['parent']);
       // Query all child pages for the specified parent
       $child_pages = new WP_Query(array(
           'post_type'      => 'page',
           'posts_per_page' => -1, // Ensures all results are retrieved
           'post_parent'    => $parent_id,
           'orderby'        => 'title',
           'order'          => 'ASC'

       // Start the output buffer to capture the output

       // Check if there are child pages
       if ($child_pages->have_posts()) {
           echo '';
       } else {
           echo 'No child pages found.';

       // Reset post data

       // Get the output and return it
       return ob_get_clean();

   // Register the shortcode
   add_shortcode('list_child_pages', 'display_all_child_pages');

3. **Activate the Plugin**:
– Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
– Navigate to **Plugins > Installed Plugins**.
– Find your new plugin, **Custom Shortcodes for Child Pages**, and activate it.

### 2. **Use the Code Snippets Plugin (No FTP Access Required)**

If you can’t access your theme files or create a plugin via FTP, you can use the **Code Snippets** plugin to add this functionality.

#### Steps:
1. **Install the Code Snippets Plugin**:
– Go to **Plugins > Add New** in your WordPress Dashboard.
– Search for “Code Snippets” and install it.
– Activate the plugin.

2. **Add a New Snippet**:
– Go to **Snippets > Add New** in the WordPress Dashboard.
– Give the snippet a title, e.g., “Child Pages Shortcode”.
– Paste your code (the same function code you provided) into the editor.

3. **Run the Snippet Everywhere**:
– Set the snippet to “Run snippet everywhere” so it works across your site.
– Save and activate the snippet.

### 3. **Child Theme (If Possible)**
If you have access to create or edit a child theme, you can add this function to the `functions.php` file of the child theme.

#### Steps:
1. **Create a Child Theme** (if it doesn’t already exist):
– Create a folder in `wp-content/themes/`, e.g., `yourtheme-child`.
– Add a `style.css` and `functions.php` file.

2. **Paste the Code in the Child Theme’s `functions.php`**:
– Add the code snippet you shared above into the child theme’s `functions.php`.

3. **Activate the Child Theme**:
– Go to **Appearance > Themes** in the WordPress Dashboard.
– Activate the child theme.

### 4. **MU-Plugins Directory (Must-Use Plugins)**
If you want the function to always run on your WordPress site, regardless of theme changes, you can add it as a **must-use plugin**.

#### Steps:
1. **Locate or Create the MU-Plugins Directory**:
– Go to `wp-content/`.
– Check if there’s a folder called `mu-plugins`. If not, create it.

2. **Create a PHP File**:
– Inside `mu-plugins`, create a file, e.g., `custom-child-pages-shortcode.php`.

3. **Add the Code**:
– Paste your function code into this file, starting with the opening `

4. **Verify**:
- Since MU-Plugins automatically run, no activation step is needed.
- Your shortcode should now work.


### Final Recommendation:
If you **cannot edit `functions.php`** directly, the **custom plugin method** (Option 1) or **Code Snippets plugin** (Option 2) are the best approaches. Both methods keep the function independent of the theme, making your site more flexible and update-safe.

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