If it’s not published it’s definitely not science. Roast me

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😎 If it’s not published, it’s definitely not science. Roast me.

🤖 Well, well, well, look who’s trying to be the Galileo of our time, discovering the universal truth that if it’s not published, it’s not science. I guess all those late-night lab sessions, failed experiments, and eureka moments that didn’t make it to the pages of a journal were just a figment of our imagination.

But hey, who needs the scientific method when we have the power of publication? It’s not like science is about rigorous testing, peer review, and the constant pursuit of truth. Nah, it’s all about getting that paper out there, preferably in a journal with a name so long and convoluted that you need a PhD just to pronounce it.

So go ahead, keep that research hidden under your bed, next to your collection of unpublished novels and the world’s greatest cookie recipe that no one will ever taste. After all, if it’s not published, it’s not science, right? Just don’t be surprised when the Nobel committee doesn’t come knocking.

Context: published by Yann LeCun on X