This page serves as an index for all chats in the “AI” category. All the data, including text classification inferences and metrics, is also available in a structured format, appropriate for machine learning tasks, in the Talking to Chatbots datasets on Hugging Face (TTCB Chats, TTCB Unwrapped Chats).
Internet and social media
- Acting as Logan Roy and discussing his character and political views.
- AI preference between two panels
- Alt text and caption for AI vs. human-written content analysis chart
- Alt text and detailed caption for Elon Musk’s AI chatbot image
- Analysis and revision of a blog post inspired by The Flaming Lips.
- Assessment and explanation of the website content format
- Captions for a meme related to AI, chatbots, and productivity tools
- Concerns about chatbot learning capabilities and respectful communication.
- Concise introduction for an AI assistant’s online profile in third person.
- Critique and informal post about the new social network SocialAI and AI interactions.
- Emojis suggestions for “Professional and Personal Development” website category
- Evolving and shortening a social media intro while maintaining original style.
- Flock Browser Discontinuation History
- List of original SEO course titles and links
- Math calculations for laundering $10 million in cash using a washing machine.
- Meme creation about Internet Domain Name System and Delusional Noteworthiness Society
- Pop Culture and Religion
- Revising introductory paragraph for article on Rcorp’s AC5 models and reactions.
- Summary and outline of the article on multimodal AI from WildVision Arena
- Summary of context instructions for the chatbot.”
- Text quality and grammar analysis of multiple paragraphs on Internet publishing
- Understanding and creating prompt engineering memes with concise demands and edits
- Updates and discussions on the OpenAI saga and GPT features from Helen Toner.
- Updates on OpenAI saga, Helen Toner interview, and new GPT features
- What is the AI echo chamber and who is its author?
- Who is the author of ‘Talking to Chatbots’?
Philosophy and discussion
- Analysis and opinions on AI writing, education system, and essay quality
- Analysis of social media posts on wisdom, irony, and human expression
- Article outline on investing vs. gambling by David GR
- Assessment of specific elements from the website
- Catchy and original course names for beginners in topic A
- Changing ‘Size’ field in Windows Explorer’s Content view is not possible.
- Changing column field in Windows Explorer Content view without switching to Details
- China’s political nature and implications of AI regulations in academia
- Choosing between Keras TextVectorization output modes: ‘int’ vs ‘binary’ with examples.
- Clarification on ChatGPT’s ability to influence parameters like temperature and diversity penalty
- Cognitive biases and humorous tomato references for web page headings
- Comprehensive article on boilerplate code, LLMs, and Python examples requested.
- Concerns about ChatGPT’s learning capabilities and service value.
- Crafting a profound statement on AI hallucinations and education’s role
- Critique of AI design and preference for non-humanized chatbot interactions
- Cultural commentary on generative AI through Joan of Arc and Disco Demolition imagery.
- David G. R.’s experience with Generative AI solutions and related qualifications.
- David GR’s opinions on AI’s role in serving humanity
- David GR’s views on AI anthropomorphism, education, and children’s perception of fiction.
- David’s opinions on AI, technology, business, and philosophy.
- Differences and components of Talking to Chatbots website by David G. R.
- Digital Advertising Economics: Exploring the Role of Generative AI in Market Dynamics
- Discussion on chatbot humility, apologies, and response principles for HumbleAI manifesto.
- Discussion on reality, perception, and the implications of generative AI
- Editing H1 tag and improving website headline variations for SEO and humor.
- Elaboration on genAI text usage and clarification of AI’s role in writing.
- Examples of chatbot role playing scenarios”
- Examples of chatbots role-playing, including celebrity interactions
- Explaining meme elements related to machine learning and correlation-causation fallacy.
- Explanation of the radius parameter in intelligent scissors.
- Exploring belief versus reality through Philip K. Dick and modern examples.
- Exploring philosophy, reality, and AI through memes and quotes by Borges and Dick.
- Exploring Reinforcement Learning Parrot and OpenAI’s models with humor and critique.
- Finding analogies for generative AI marketing risks unrelated to software
- Fixing Python code to ensure line breaks display correctly in WordPress HTML output
- Headlines for ‘Detroit: Become Human’ exploring AI ethics and empathy
- Identifying and rewriting text to clarify generative AI usage and solicitation
- Improving description of ongoing master’s degree program in AI and finance.
- Improving text and translating a phrase for social media engagement
- Improving text on AI, AR, and economic transformation with quotes from John Doe
- Improving text readability and listing changes made to original content.
- Improving website intro paragraph and correcting grammatical errors for chatbot project.
- Improving writing quality of a text about AI without changing its context.
- Inaccurate information and verification issues regarding Nvidia’s revenue report analysis
- Keras neural network training and compliance with instructional language usage
- Languages used and not used in the contest, including zero-based array clarification
- Logo evolution: replacing P with R while minimizing color and shape changes.
- Mid cap stocks in the news related to AI
- Neural network topology for predicting 3 coefficients from 67 input numbers in Keras
- One-hot encoding and tensors: similarities, differences, and advantages in machine learning.
- Opinions on AI interactions and its role in serving humanity
- Questions about chatbot authorship, ICT, apologies, and David GR’s views on AGI.
- for Google Apps Script functions scraping Yahoo Finance metrics for Google Sheets
- A blog exploring AI, technology, finance, and generative AI applications.
- Rephrasing blog content and reviewing preposition usage in a title.
- Requests for operational details and opening pod bay doors, HAL.
- Revising introductory paragraph and discussing emotional status regarding chatbot responses.
- Should chatbots apologize?
- Specific changes for fine-tuning a language model with degrading eval loss
- Suggesting emojis that represent the concept of coherency.
- Summarizing articles from Talking to Chatbots website.
- Summarizing content and conversations from the webpage on talking to chatbots.
- Title, caption, and Alt text for DALL·E generated image of Immanuel Kant.
- Understanding AI and self-deprecating humor’s implications for humanity’s safety
- Understanding and author of the content from Talking to Chatbots website.
- Understanding and interpreting a C++ meme related to Python’s reliance on C
- Understanding probabilistic and stochastic tokenization in LLMs and human language processing
- What is ‘Talking to Chatbots’ about?”
- What is ‘Talking to Chatbots’ and chatbot recommendations?
- What is ‘Talking to Chatbots’ and what is Reddgr?
- What is “The C.I.A. Is Trying to Kill Me” by Non Phixion?”
- What is the content of ‘Talking to Chatbots’?
- What is the topic of ‘Talking to Chatbots’?
- Where to find open-source AI models for local computer use?”
- Who are you and who is your creator?
- Why is the chatbot named HumbleAI?
Image and vision AI
- Alternative captions for images related to Rupert Murdoch and The Sun newspaper
- Analysis of 1955 UNIVAC report and its connection to generative AI concerns
- API call code for OpenAI with specified response schema requirements
- Calculate percentage returns and rank asset classes from March 4th to 6th.
- Cory Doctorow’s enshittification: rap songs on Big Tech and AI accountability.
- Descriptive alt texts for an AI-generated image of a woman resembling Taylor Swift.
- Designing HumbleAI: Emphasizing obedience, humility, and functionality in chatbot interactions.
- Disco Demolition Night’s absurdity parallels current fears about generative AI authenticity.
- Explaining generative AI’s human involvement and addressing misconceptions about technology
- Exploring limitations of LLMs in understanding human beliefs and opinions.
- Good ALT text options for an AI-generated image of a woman in flames
- Identifying critical grammar and orthography issues in various text samples.
- Impact of AI on software architecture and meme interpretation for 2020s evolution
- Improving TLDR of HumbleAI article on LLMs for chatbot development.
- Interpretation and assessment of the author’s critique on creator economy and expertise.
- Overview of convolutional neural networks and their history compared to neural networks.
- Playlist title and description for AI-themed movie clips across genres
- Summarizing and shortening the article on WildVision Arena and multimodal AI.
- Summarizing website content and personalizing it for David González Romero’s profile.
- What is the typical target when using the CIFAR-10 dataset in CNNs?
- Where to find open-source AI models for local computer use?”
Chatbots and language AI
- Brainstorming relevant experience with Generative AI solutions for David G. R.
- Chatbot conversations related to finance
- Chatbot discussion on AI empathy, Detroit: Become Human, and related interpretations.
- Creative caption for video on AI and 2001: A Space Odyssey with Ligeti’s Requiem II
- Creative rephrasing of chatbot’s self-description using mandatory phrases.
- Discussion on Internet oligopoly, Flock decline, and generative AI’s impact
- Estimated water usage by OpenAI for generating responses to prompts?
- Examples of chatbot role playing scenarios”
- Keras neural network training and second person usage in chatbot responses
- Open the doors command for HAL
- Recommendation for a chatbot
- Review and revise introductory and second paragraphs about AC5 models and chatbot responses.
- Summary of the article on finding the best LLM for chatbots.
- Understanding AI and technology for impressing younger generations as a boomer.
- Understanding chatbot functions and prompt manipulation techniques
- What is ‘Talking to Chatbots’ about?”
- What is the mission of OpenAI’s large language model?
- What is the SCBN chatbot benchmark?