Extending the reach of this post, originally shared on LinkedIn, to a larger audience: The great twentieth-century fear was the fear of being replaced by a machine. The great twenty-first-century fear is the fear of being replaced by a lower-paid, less knowledgeable human augmented by a machine. “Head in the Cloud: Why Knowing Things Still Matters When Facts Are So Easy to Look Up” by William Poundstone (read more) This is probably one of those posts that will be deleted after reaching a certain number of impressions. In the book mentioned earlier, William Poundstone also discusses the Google effect and …

Head in the Cloud: Honest Remarks About Work and Social Media Monetization Read more »

😎 Respond briefly. When was the bicycle invented? 🤖 The bicycle was invented in the early 19th century. 😎 Make a shortlist of 5 engineers who lived before the 19th century and are widely regarded to be among the greatest engineers of all time 🤖 1. Archimedes (c. 287-212 BCE) – Known for his contributions to mathematics and engineering, he designed innovative machines and devised the principle of buoyancy. 2. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) – An ingenious inventor and artist, Leonardo explored engineering concepts, creating designs for flying machines, bridges, and other innovations. 3. Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) – Although …

Bicycles and the Wonders of AI From the Eyes of Leonardo da Vinci. Tour de France by Kraftwerk (TTCB VII) Read more »