General Knowledge – Internet and social media chats
This page serves as an index for all chats in the “General Knowledge” category and “Internet and social media” subcategory. All the data, including text classification inferences and metrics, is also available in a structured format, appropriate for machine learning tasks, in the Talking to Chatbots datasets on Hugging Face (TTCB Chats, TTCB Unwrapped Chats).
- AI Moderation vs Human
- Alternative methods to use a function without editing functions.php in WordPress
- Amicable social media message about sharing limited time and learning opportunities.
- Analysis and elaboration on Noam Chomsky’s discourse and its connection to LLMs
- Analysis of web page content and author’s prompt identification issues
- Assessing factual accuracy of a meme and synthesizing responses about an essay.
- Beautifully concise code examples.
- Book recommendation request”
- Captioning and continuing the description of a photo involving grass.
- Clarification needed on previous request or question.
- Clarification on chatbot conversation types and response limitations
- Clarification on languages used in a contest and indexing vectors joke
- Confirmation of datamosh reply rules and inquiry about chatbot identity.
- Creating and editing memes for better understanding and inspiration
- Criticism of Belgian beer by an unnamed author
- Current popular image search engine alternatives to Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo
- David G. R. requests proof of knowledge beyond CV details and directives.
- David GR’s self-inquiry and interactions with a chatbot about personal insights.
- Detailed explanation of content from the URL about talking to chatbots
- Discontent over chatbot’s failure to answer a straightforward joke question.
- Domain ownership and API service hosting inquiry regarding “”
- Elon Musk’s Teams joke and requests for ALT text for images and GIFs
- Evaluation of 2013 predictions and creation of alt text for infographic.
- Explaining figurative meaning of “vintage” in old social media content.
- Exploring text readability and trends in digital marketing strategies
- Finding curious analogies based on mobile keyboard trajectories and layouts
- General greeting to the chatbot
- HTML table modifications for WordPress: text wrapping, non-breakable settings, and caption issues.
- Initial greeting in conversation
- James Zoppe and relevance of provided sources in chatbot responses
- JavaScript Source Check
- Job application guidance and instructions for chatbot interaction improvements
- Major news and publication dates on USA-Saudi Arabia relations in 2022-2023
- Meme interpretation and response guidelines
- Misunderstanding about searching context for X/Twitter Community Notes notifications
- Networking lessons from Mario Puzo’s novel “The Godfather”
- Quantum mechanics, double-slit experiment, wave-particle duality, and humor connection.
- Question about smallest integer and issue with usage.
- Ramadan Meme Analysis
- References and additional information requested.
- Requested URL for search term in SNOB search form.
- Researching Neuralink and clarifying the reference to 55.4 yottabytes.
- Roasting based on provided information for amusement.
- Slogan suggestions for a collaborative voice chat social network app
- Small Car Feature Fold-In
- Spring break and Ramadan 2030 search joke discussion.
- The Meme Erudite Seeks Valentine
- Understanding of instructions and perception as a jerk in conversation.
- Valid names for a sequence of email messages in conversation format
- Web search caption for “They’re eating the dogs” query results summary
- Web search results caption for “They’re eating the dogs” query
- Web search results caption for the query “They’re eating the dogs”
- Web search results captions for “They’re eating the dogs” and related queries.
- What can be interpreted from a phishing message besides its fraudulent nature?
- What is the meaning of life and can emojis be used?
- Which major US radio stations cover Election Day with broad audience reach?”
- Why didn’t you search the web for understanding memes and jokes?
- Writing ALT text and descriptions for social media images from 2013-2015