Terms denoting “barely legal” or near-illegal activities

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😎 Something that is “barely legal” or is near the boundaries of being considered illegal: provide terms that denominate this
🤖 I provide the following terms to describe something that is “barely legal” or near the boundaries of legality:

1. **Gray area** – something that lacks clear legal classification, making it difficult to label as legal or illegal.
2. **Loophole** – an omission or ambiguity in laws or regulations that allows someone to act in a legally questionable manner.
3. **Quasi-legal** – an activity or practice that is technically legal but raises ethical or regulatory concerns.
4. **Borderline** – something at the edge of legality, where it is close to violating legal standards.
5. **Edge case** – an instance that tests the limits of legal boundaries.
6. **Marginally legal** – something that complies with the law but only minimally.
7. **Legally ambiguous** – something that is unclear in its legality, often due to outdated or vague laws.
8. **Technicality** – following the letter of the law, potentially bypassing the intended spirit or intent.

Each term addresses different contexts in which an activity or practice skirts legality without necessarily crossing into illegality.

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