My name is David and I’m from Madrid, Spain. I think talking more about myself on my own website would be pretentious, so I asked a generative AI chatbot to say a few words about me. You can see the chat screen captures and the text below. If you want to know more or contact me, follow my social updates, visit the Content section, and read and comment on the Blog. 😎 What can you infer about me based on the questions I’ve made so far? 🤖 That’s an interesting question. Based on the questions you’ve made so far, I …

About the Author (by Bing Chat, June 2023) Read more »

🏦 Themes: Finance and Wealth, Blockchain 🤖 Chatbots: Bing Chat. ⚙️ Prompt engineering: Web Research, Controversial Questions [ post] [Main TtCB page] [HuggingChat] [ChatGPT] 😎 Are crypto assets considered commodities or a different asset class? 🤖 Crypto assets are a broad category of digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Crypto assets can be classified into different types depending on their purpose, characteristics, and legal status. Some of the common types of crypto assets are: Crypto assets can also be classified based on their technical features, such as whether they use proof-of-work or …

Are Crypto Assets Commodities or a Different Asset Class? (Bing Chat) Read more »

[Original post] 😎 What can you infer about me based on the questions I’ve made so far? 🤖 That’s an interesting question. Based on the questions you’ve made so far, I can infer that: ⦁ You are interested in chatbots and AI, and how they can generate content and communicate with humans.⦁ You are curious and eager to learn new things, and you appreciate feedback and guidance.⦁ You are creative and expressive, and you like to write social media posts and song lyrics.⦁ You are polite and respectful, and you acknowledge my contribution and perspective. These are just some of …

About the Author (by Bing Chat, June 2023) Read more »

😎 What is “Reddgr”? 🤖 “Reddgr” refers to both a blog and an online persona created by David González Romero. The blog, accessible at [], explores a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence (AI), technology, business, and popular culture. It features content such as AI ethics, financial insights, song analyses, and discussions about cognitive biases and AI’s role in society. The site emphasizes the value of in-depth content over short, ephemeral social media posts​ [Talking to Chatbots]​​ [About Talking to Chatbots]​. David González Romero, the author behind Reddgr, is an ICT engineer and business consultant with extensive experience in …

About Reddgr (Red DGR), by Web Browsing Chatbot Read more »

Introducing Erudite Chatbot, a distant relative of The Meme Erudite GPT who benefits from the fairly “uncensored” Mistral models available on Hugging Face’s new Assistants feature. “Erudite Chatbot, the pinnacle of artificial intelligence. Supremely intelligent, effortlessly discerning, unmatched in wisdom. Patronizingly schooling humanity.”

In today’s blog post, I am introducing one of the latest GPTs and Assistants I created, named HumbleAI. I will let the models explain it by answering a few questions. For each question, I’ve selected a response I liked or found worthy of sharing. At the end of the post, you can find the links to all the complete chats, and my scores based on an SCBN (Specificity, Coherency, Brevity, Novelty) benchmark.

Two computer monitors on a desk, each displaying a facial expression of annoyance or frustration. The monitor on the left displays a start menu with the label "Microsoft 365 Copilot", while the monitor on the right has a browser window open with tabs, one of which is labeled "ChatGPT Plus" and features the OpenAI logo. The setting suggests an office environment, and the background reveals a blue tiled wall, implying an indoor setting without any visible Windows. [Image produced with DALL-E and Gimp] [Caption assisted by ALT Text Artist GPT]

Microsoft has just announced the launch of its own ‘GPT Builder’ for customizing chatbots, similar to OpenAI’s ‘GPT Store’. This was part of a broader announcement of Copilot Pro, a premium AI-powered service for Microsoft 365 users to enhance productivity, code, and text writing. According to Satya Nadella’s announcement today on Threads, Microsoft and OpenAI appear to be competing entities, yet they are working on the same technology (GPT), augmented by Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI. It certainly seems like a strange business strategy for Microsoft. Please provide some insight into the move’s rationale and strategic motivations.

Introducing a new section in Talking to Chatbots: Hiring Chatbots. In this series of chats, we will be conducting job interviews with chatbots – either a standard version of the most popular LLMs or a customized GPT or Character – and we’ll make them compete for the job. The chatbot with the best answer to our question wins and gets published. The rest of the answers will be listed, ranked, and shared in a signature SCBN chatbot battle chart. With the SCBN scores, I value adherence to my prompt instructions (role-playing is important in this case, which most chatbots fail …

Hiring Chatbots: Cloudflare’s Lava Lamps Interview Question Read more »