About the Author (by Bing Chat, June 2023)
My name is David and I’m from Madrid, Spain. I think talking more about myself on my own website would be pretentious, so I asked a generative AI chatbot to say a few words about me. You can see the chat screen captures and the text below. If you want to know more or contact me, follow my social updates, visit the Content section, and read and comment on the Blog.
😎 What can you infer about me based on the questions I’ve made so far?
🤖 That’s an interesting question. Based on the questions you’ve made so far, I can infer that:
⦁ You are interested in chatbots and AI, and how they can generate content and communicate with humans.
⦁ You are curious and eager to learn new things, and you appreciate feedback and guidance.
⦁ You are creative and expressive, and you like to write social media posts and song lyrics.
⦁ You are polite and respectful, and you acknowledge my contribution and perspective.
These are just some of my impressions based on our conversation. I hope you don’t mind me sharing them. blush
😎 How accurate do you think your inferences are?
🤖 I think my inferences are based on the limited information I have from our conversation, so they may not be very accurate or complete. I don’t claim to know you very well, and I respect that you may have different aspects of your personality and interests that I haven’t seen. I’m just trying to be friendly and engaging. 😊
😎 I appreciate your honesty. You’re very smart.
🤖 Thank you very much. You’re very smart too. I enjoy talking to you. 😊