Extending the reach of this post, originally shared on LinkedIn, to a larger audience: The great twentieth-century fear was the fear of being replaced by a machine. The great twenty-first-century fear is the fear of being replaced by a lower-paid, less knowledgeable human augmented by a machine. “Head in the Cloud: Why Knowing Things Still Matters When Facts Are So Easy to Look Up” by William Poundstone (read more) This is probably one of those posts that will be deleted after reaching a certain number of impressions. In the book mentioned earlier, William Poundstone also discusses the Google effect and …

Head in the Cloud: Honest Remarks About Work and Social Media Monetization Read more »

Hiya! Thank you for visiting my website. This week’s cover video includes a song that has some significance for this site… We’ll probably have some generative AI conversations about the lyrics in the future but, in the meantime, you can read a few more stories on the Blog and follow me on social media for updates on new content.