Technology – Programming and coding chats
This page serves as an index for all chats in the “Technology” category and “Programming and coding” subcategory. All the data, including text classification inferences and metrics, is also available in a structured format, appropriate for machine learning tasks, in the Talking to Chatbots datasets on Hugging Face (TTCB Chats, TTCB Unwrapped Chats).
- Adding audio functionality and conditional UI elements in Shiny application
- Alternatives for accessing AWS App Runner app on specific webpage paths
- Automating daily restart of a Python Dash app on AWS App Runner
- Best practices for error handling in Google Apps Script
- Chatbot performance enhancement through sentiment analysis and prompt engineering techniques
- ConvNetJS and Keras comparison with specific neural network language and libraries inquiry
- Correctly launching Python from a .bat file to match PowerShell behavior.
- Creating a .bat file to correctly launch Python from Anaconda path
- Creative captions and descriptions for artwork referencing R programming language and R Inferno
- Editing YAML for GitHub workflows to exclude specific files and folders from flake8 and pytest
- Emojis for hashtags and alternative phrases for “whichever you prefer” requested.
- Error message interpretation for AWS Docker image push in VS Code terminal
- Guidance on editing AWS IAM role and navigating IAM console buttons
- How to comment code blocks and execute step-by-step in VBA?
- How to determine if HTML code displays correctly in WordPress “Custom HTML” block?
- How to save and exit GNU Nano?
- Identifying and fixing a ValueError in NLI model fine-tuning process.
- Interpretation of a picture during a software engineer job interview with a recruiter.
- Interpreting a picture during a software engineer job interview with a recruiter
- Is Eclipse IDE still widely used and what are the most popular IDEs?
- Jira software category specification request.
- Linux commands for listing and deleting files
- LLMs and ChatGPT Distinctions
- Next steps for deploying Docker image on ECS with DynamoDB access
- Opening Python 3.11.9 terminal environment and understanding directory paths
- Popular LLM leaderboards and additional sources for more information
- Quick backup methods for files on Linux EC2 connected to Visual Studio Code
- Recommendation for GPTs
- Recommendations for GPT models
- Recommendations for GPTs”
- Running Dash app on AWS Fargate without a load balancer configuration
- Scrape with user-agent.
- Setting up Transformers pipeline and verifying model availability on Hugging Face URL
- Step-by-step instructions for using App Runner with ECR and DynamoDB role.
- Summarize experience as a Software Engineer.
- Total RAM of the machine and confirmation query.
- Troubleshooting TensorFlow GPU issues and library compatibility in Python environment
- Understanding cron command behavior and troubleshooting in command line interface
- What are Linux commands for displaying system status and hardware specifications?
- What is nixCraft in one objective and descriptive sentence?
- What is the closest JavaScript equivalent to Python’s pandas.DataFrame class?
- What is the magic portal?
- What operating system is being referred to?
- What programming language is Solidity based on?
- When is GPT 4.5 release date?