Error message interpretation for AWS Docker image push in VS Code terminal

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😎 I get this error after running the push command I get on AWS console to push a docker image (the the step “Retrieve an authentication token and authenticate your Docker client to your registry.”):

failed to get console mode for stdin: The handle is invalid.
Login Succeeded

What does that mean? IS the login succeeded? is the error message before relevant?
🤖 Ah, the classic Docker dilemma sprinkled with a bit of cryptic AWS messaging! So, you’ve got a mixed bag here: an error and a success in the same breath. Let’s tackle this beast step by step.

Firstly, “failed to get console mode for stdin: The handle is invalid” — this error typically pops up when a Docker command expects some kind of interactive input from a terminal (stdin), but it’s being run in an environment where that kind of interaction isn’t available. This can happen in automated scripts or when using certain IDEs or tools that don’t properly emulate a full terminal environment.

However, the “Login Succeeded” message indicates that despite the stdin hiccup, your Docker client did authenticate successfully with your AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR). This suggests that the error might not be blocking but more of an annoying hiccup.

Now, to get a bit more context here, are you running this command from a regular terminal or using some sort of automation tool or script? This will help us nail down whether you need to modify your setup or just ignore the error if it’s not causing any practical issues.
😎 I’m running it on the terminal of VS Code
🤖 Ah, gotcha! Visual Studio Code’s terminal, while super handy, isn’t always a perfect emulation of a full standalone system terminal. That’s likely why you’re seeing the “invalid handle” error—it’s more of a quirk with how VS Code’s terminal handles certain operations expected by Docker.

Since the login itself is successful, this error is more of a cosmetic issue and not something that will torpedo your Docker operations. If it really grinds your gears seeing that error, you might consider running the Docker commands directly from a system terminal (like Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows) rather than through VS Code’s terminal. This often bypasses these quirky little nuisances.

So, in a nutshell: If everything’s working and you can push and pull from your registry without other issues, you can chalk this up to a “VS Code being VS Code” moment. But if you’re a perfectionist and don’t like seeing errors, jumping over to a full terminal session would be the way to go. Need a hand with setting that up or anything else Docker-y or AWS-y?

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