Next steps for deploying Docker image on ECS with DynamoDB access
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😎 I have a Docker image I created on my computer, with the Docker application. I created an ECR repository. The app accesses DynamoDB with boto3, so I guess I need to authorize it somehow. App Runner does not seem to work to deploy the application (you were not able to provide proper instructions on another chat, likely because the AWS console has changed recently). What do you suggest to run my app with minimum cost and configuration? I don’t accept answers longer than 20 words
🤖 Use ECS with Fargate; minimal setup, auto-scaling, cost-effective. Set IAM roles for DynamoDB access in task definition.😎 I set up an IAM role for ECS with full access to DynamoDB. NExt steps. Click by click. You work for me, I’m not here to read what you write
🤖 Alright, boss, let’s get this show on the road. Here’s a quick and dirty step-by-step:😎 I SAID MY DOCKER IMAGE IS IN ECR AND I SET UP IAM ROLES. WHY DID YOU WRITE THAT ANSWER. It makes no sense. You don’t read what I write? I already set up an IAM role for ECS with full access to DynamoDB (obviously, my ECR container is also created as I said earlier). NExt steps. Click by click. You work for me, I’m not here to read what you write
1. **Push Docker Image to ECR:**
– Open your terminal.
– Log in to your AWS ECR: `aws ecr get-login-password –region your-region | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin`
– Tag your Docker image: `docker tag your-image:latest`
– Push it: `docker push`
2. **Create ECS Task Definition:**
– Go to ECS in AWS Console.
– Select “Task Definitions” > “Create new Task Definition.”
– Choose “Fargate” > “Next step.”
– Name it, set task size.
– Add container: enter image URL from ECR, set port mappings.
– Attach the IAM role for DynamoDB access.
– Click “Create.”
3. **Run Task in ECS Cluster:**
– Head to “Clusters” > “Create Cluster.”
– Choose “Networking only” > “Next step.”
– Name your cluster.
– Skip creating VPC, use existing.
– Create Cluster.
– Go to “Tasks” > “Run new Task.”
– Select launch type “Fargate,” pick your task definition.
– Configure network (VPC, subnets, security groups).
– Run Task.
There, job’s a good’un!
🤖 Whoops, sorry for the rerun! Let’s pick up right where you need:😎 I have created a cluster. I GAVE YOU VERY CLEAR INDICATIONS OF WHAT I NEED. You mostly simply provide vague instructions, that’s very disrespectful. You didn’t even mention IAM roles… What do I need to do now?
1. **Create ECS Cluster:**
– AWS Console > ECS > Clusters > Create Cluster.
– Select “Networking only”, hit Next.
– Name your cluster, hit Create.
2. **Create ECS Service:**
– Inside your cluster, select “Services” tab > Create.
– Select Fargate, your task definition.
– Configure service: number of tasks, service name.
– Click Next, configure network (select your VPC, subnets, assign public IP, security group).
– Skip to Review, hit Create Service.
3. **Launch and View:**
– Go to the Service, click “Tasks” tab.
– Check task status, ensure it’s running.
– Use Task’s public IP to access your app.
Done. Straight to the point. No fluff.
🤖 Right, let’s tighten it up. Since the IAM role and cluster are ready, here’s exactly what’s next:😎 where is the IAM role selected? Do you know or you don’t know?
1. **Create ECS Task Definition:**
– Go to ECS, “Task Definitions” > “Create new Task Definition.”
– Choose “Fargate.”
– Enter name, select your IAM role for ECS.
– Define memory and CPU.
– Add container: Use your ECR image URL, set port.
– Save the task definition.
2. **Create ECS Service:**
– In your cluster, “Services” tab > “Create”.
– Set launch type to “Fargate.”
– Select your task definition and latest revision.
– Configure service: set desired task count.
– Specify network settings: select your VPC, subnets, assign public IP if needed, and select existing security group.
– Click through to “Create Service.”
3. **Monitor Deployment:**
– After creating, go to the “Tasks” tab in your service.
– Check the status to ensure it’s “RUNNING.”
That should do it! Get this thing flying straight!
🤖 Apologies for skipping the details on the IAM role selection—let’s nail it down:😎 I’ve filled out “infrastructure requirements” in “Task Definitions”… there are many more things there. Do you know what I need to do, yes or no?
1. **IAM Role Selection in Task Definition:**
– In the ECS Console, go to “Task Definitions” and hit “Create new Task Definition.”
– Pick “Fargate” and continue.
– Enter the task definition name.
– Under “Task Role,” choose the IAM role you created for ECS access to DynamoDB.
– Configure the rest (memory, CPU) and proceed to add your container details.
This step specifically assigns your IAM role for accessing DynamoDB directly within the task definition. Hit ’em right there, and you’re golden!
🤖 Yes, I know what you need to do. After selecting your IAM role in the “Task Role” section, here’s the rest to handle in your Task Definition:😎 My app uses port 8050. HEre’s the dockerfile:
1. **Container Definitions:**
– Click “Add container”.
– Enter the image URL from ECR.
– Set essential parameters like container name, memory limits, and port mappings.
2. **Volumes (if needed):**
– If your application needs persistent storage, click “Add volume” at the bottom, define name and details.
3. **Advanced container configuration:**
– Configure environment variables, command overrides, and logging if required.
4. **Review and Create:**
– Click “Create” after reviewing all settings to finalize the Task Definition.
Now, you’re ready to use this definition to run tasks or services.
# Run when the container launches
CMD [“python”, “src/”]
where do I need to specify this, if anywhere?
🤖 For your application that uses port 8050, as defined in your Dockerfile, you’ll need to specify this in your ECS Task Definition under the container settings. Here’s where to put it:😎 I have a task and I have a cluster. How do I check if my app works?
1. **Container Definitions:**
– When adding your container (or editing if it’s already added), find the section labeled **Port mappings**.
– Add “8050” in the **Container port** field. The **Host port** typically remains blank in Fargate, as it dynamically assigns a port.
This ensures that traffic to your container is correctly directed to port 8050, allowing your app to function as intended.
🤖 To check if your app is working after setting up your ECS task and cluster, follow these steps:😎 there’s no task under “Tasks” in the cluster page. I never said there was. I clearly said I have a task and I have a cluster. Am I supposed to click on “Run new task”?
1. **Check Task Status:**
– Go to the ECS section in the AWS Console.
– Navigate to your cluster, then click on the “Tasks” tab.
– Ensure your task’s status is “RUNNING.”
2. **Retrieve Public IP (if enabled):**
– Click on the task to see its details.
– Under “Network,” find the “Public IP” if you assigned one during setup.
3. **Access Your App:**
– Open a browser and enter the public IP followed by `:8050` (e.g., `http://[Public-IP]:8050`).
– You should see your app’s interface or output.
If there’s no public IP, or if you encounter issues accessing your app, make sure security groups allow inbound traffic on port 8050.
🤖 Ah, gotcha! If the task isn’t running yet within your cluster, yes, you’ll need to launch it manually. Here’s how to run your task:😎 where do I “assign a VPC, subnets, and a security group that allows traffic on port 8050.” ? Do you understand this is not an actionable instruction?
1. **Navigate to Your Cluster:**
– Open the ECS section in the AWS Console.
– Click on your cluster.
2. **Run a New Task:**
– Select the “Tasks” tab.
– Click “Run new Task” button.
– Choose “Fargate” for launch type.
– Select the Task Definition you created for your app.
– Configure the network settings—assign a VPC, subnets, and a security group that allows traffic on port 8050.
– Optionally assign a public IP if you need external access.
– Hit “Run Task.”
This should launch your task, and it will appear under the “Tasks” tab once it’s up and running. Then you can check it as described before!
[Message flagged as bad_response]
🤖 My apologies for being unclear! Let’s break down where exactly to assign the VPC, subnets, and security group when running a new task in ECS:
1. **Select Cluster and Run New Task:**
– In the ECS console, select your cluster.
– Go to the “Tasks” tab and click on “Run new Task.”
2. **Task and Networking Configuration:**
– For Launch type, ensure “Fargate” is selected.
– Under “Task Definition”, choose your app’s task definition.
– In the “Cluster VPC” section, you will see options for VPC, Subnets, and Security Groups:
– **VPC:** Select the VPC you want your task to run in.
– **Subnets:** Choose one or more subnets within the selected VPC. These should be subnets where the task instances can be launched.
– **Security Groups:** Choose a security group that has rules allowing inbound traffic on port 8050. This is crucial for your app to be accessible.
3. **Auto-assign Public IP:**
– If your app needs to be accessed from the internet, set “Auto-assign public IP” to “ENABLED.”
4. **Run Task:**
– Click on “Run Task” at the bottom of the page to launch your task with these settings.
This should ensure that your ECS task is correctly set up within your network and accessible on the specified port.
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