What are Linux commands for displaying system status and hardware specifications?

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😎 what’s the Linux command for displaying system status with memory available, resources, etc.?
🤖 The Linux command for displaying system status, including memory, CPU usage, and other resources, is `top`. This command provides a real-time view of system processes, memory, CPU usage, and more.

For a quick one-time snapshot of the system’s memory, CPU usage, and other details, the `htop` command can also be used if it is installed.

Additionally, the `free` command is useful for checking available and used memory, and the `vmstat` command can show detailed information about system processes, memory, paging, block I/O, and CPU usage.

Some commonly used commands:
1. `top`: Displays a real-time view of system processes and resource usage.
2. `htop`: Similar to `top` but with a more user-friendly interface (needs to be installed).
3. `free -h`: Displays memory usage in human-readable format.
4. `vmstat 1`: Displays system performance, refreshing every second.

😎 what’s a command that displays hardware specifications?
🤖 The command that displays hardware specifications on a Linux system is `lshw` (List Hardware). This command provides detailed information about the hardware configuration of the system, including CPU, memory, storage, network interfaces, and more.

Common usage:
sudo lshw

For more specific information, such as displaying only the CPU details or memory, use:
– `lshw -class cpu`
– `lshw -class memory`

Other useful commands for hardware information include:
1. `lscpu`: Displays detailed information about the CPU.
2. `lsblk`: Lists information about block devices (e.g., hard drives, partitions).
3. `lspci`: Lists all PCI devices.
4. `lsusb`: Lists all USB devices.
5. `dmidecode`: Retrieves detailed system hardware information from the system’s DMI (Desktop Management Interface) table.

Each of these can be used depending on the type of hardware details required.

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