AI – Philosophy and discussion chats
This page serves as an index for all chats in the “AI” category and “Philosophy and discussion” subcategory. All the data, including text classification inferences and metrics, is also available in a structured format, appropriate for machine learning tasks, in the Talking to Chatbots datasets on Hugging Face (TTCB Chats, TTCB Unwrapped Chats).
- Analysis and opinions on AI writing, education system, and essay quality
- Analysis of social media posts on wisdom, irony, and human expression
- Article outline on investing vs. gambling by David GR
- Assessment of specific elements from the website
- Catchy and original course names for beginners in topic A
- Changing ‘Size’ field in Windows Explorer’s Content view is not possible.
- Changing column field in Windows Explorer Content view without switching to Details
- China’s political nature and implications of AI regulations in academia
- Choosing between Keras TextVectorization output modes: ‘int’ vs ‘binary’ with examples.
- Clarification on ChatGPT’s ability to influence parameters like temperature and diversity penalty
- Cognitive biases and humorous tomato references for web page headings
- Comprehensive article on boilerplate code, LLMs, and Python examples requested.
- Concerns about ChatGPT’s learning capabilities and service value.
- Crafting a profound statement on AI hallucinations and education’s role
- Critique of AI design and preference for non-humanized chatbot interactions
- Cultural commentary on generative AI through Joan of Arc and Disco Demolition imagery.
- David G. R.’s experience with Generative AI solutions and related qualifications.
- David GR’s opinions on AI’s role in serving humanity
- David GR’s views on AI anthropomorphism, education, and children’s perception of fiction.
- David’s opinions on AI, technology, business, and philosophy.
- Differences and components of Talking to Chatbots website by David G. R.
- Digital Advertising Economics: Exploring the Role of Generative AI in Market Dynamics
- Discussion on chatbot humility, apologies, and response principles for HumbleAI manifesto.
- Discussion on reality, perception, and the implications of generative AI
- Editing H1 tag and improving website headline variations for SEO and humor.
- Elaboration on genAI text usage and clarification of AI’s role in writing.
- Examples of chatbot role playing scenarios”
- Examples of chatbots role-playing, including celebrity interactions
- Explaining meme elements related to machine learning and correlation-causation fallacy.
- Explanation of the radius parameter in intelligent scissors.
- Exploring belief versus reality through Philip K. Dick and modern examples.
- Exploring philosophy, reality, and AI through memes and quotes by Borges and Dick.
- Exploring Reinforcement Learning Parrot and OpenAI’s models with humor and critique.
- Finding analogies for generative AI marketing risks unrelated to software
- Fixing Python code to ensure line breaks display correctly in WordPress HTML output
- Headlines for ‘Detroit: Become Human’ exploring AI ethics and empathy
- Identifying and rewriting text to clarify generative AI usage and solicitation
- Improving description of ongoing master’s degree program in AI and finance.
- Improving text and translating a phrase for social media engagement
- Improving text on AI, AR, and economic transformation with quotes from John Doe
- Improving text readability and listing changes made to original content.
- Improving website intro paragraph and correcting grammatical errors for chatbot project.
- Improving writing quality of a text about AI without changing its context.
- Inaccurate information and verification issues regarding Nvidia’s revenue report analysis
- Keras neural network training and compliance with instructional language usage
- Languages used and not used in the contest, including zero-based array clarification
- Logo evolution: replacing P with R while minimizing color and shape changes.
- Mid cap stocks in the news related to AI
- Neural network topology for predicting 3 coefficients from 67 input numbers in Keras
- One-hot encoding and tensors: similarities, differences, and advantages in machine learning.
- Opinions on AI interactions and its role in serving humanity
- Questions about chatbot authorship, ICT, apologies, and David GR’s views on AGI.
- for Google Apps Script functions scraping Yahoo Finance metrics for Google Sheets
- A blog exploring AI, technology, finance, and generative AI applications.
- Rephrasing blog content and reviewing preposition usage in a title.
- Requests for operational details and opening pod bay doors, HAL.
- Revising introductory paragraph and discussing emotional status regarding chatbot responses.
- Should chatbots apologize?
- Specific changes for fine-tuning a language model with degrading eval loss
- Suggesting emojis that represent the concept of coherency.
- Summarizing articles from Talking to Chatbots website.
- Summarizing content and conversations from the webpage on talking to chatbots.
- Title, caption, and Alt text for DALL·E generated image of Immanuel Kant.
- Understanding AI and self-deprecating humor’s implications for humanity’s safety
- Understanding and author of the content from Talking to Chatbots website.
- Understanding and interpreting a C++ meme related to Python’s reliance on C
- Understanding probabilistic and stochastic tokenization in LLMs and human language processing
- What is ‘Talking to Chatbots’ about?”
- What is ‘Talking to Chatbots’ and chatbot recommendations?
- What is ‘Talking to Chatbots’ and what is Reddgr?
- What is “The C.I.A. Is Trying to Kill Me” by Non Phixion?”
- What is the content of ‘Talking to Chatbots’?
- What is the topic of ‘Talking to Chatbots’?
- Where to find open-source AI models for local computer use?”
- Who are you and who is your creator?
- Why is the chatbot named HumbleAI?