Philosophy and Discussion – General conversation chats
This page serves as an index for all chats in the “Philosophy and Discussion” category and “General conversation” subcategory. All the data, including text classification inferences and metrics, is also available in a structured format, appropriate for machine learning tasks, in the Talking to Chatbots datasets on Hugging Face (TTCB Chats, TTCB Unwrapped Chats).
- Access to example materials for discussion
- Acknowledgment of misunderstanding in a joke conversation with customer expectations
- Acknowledgment of rules and existence related to creator’s free will
- Alternatives to nano for accessing log files and exiting vim
- Are crypto assets classified as commodities or a different asset class?
- Brainstorming to determine if opinion is humble or not
- Brainstorming to evaluate the humility of personal opinions.
- Brief introduction to founder mentality and its contrasting employee mentality concept
- Creative associations for “this conversation is over” series completion
- Debate on priority rules in division and multiplication with parentheses in math.
- Do you agree?
- Explanation of column mismatch in rand_matrix and pesos in Python code.
- Exploring logical answers to a riddle involving numbers and letters.
- Gamification in negotiations: caring less leads to perceived winning and losing.
- Greetings and location inquiry.
- Inspirational quote graphic design request with minimalistic style
- Publicly-available pre-trained models for text classification by topic
- Roasting and playful banter with Dave, including HAL reference
- Should chatbots apologize or say thank you?
- Starting the conversation
- Summarize request and response
- Synthesis and expression of ideas on gamification and negotiation dynamics.
- Verifying word sums to 100 and addressing potential errors in calculations
- What are the names for the cognitive bias inferring causation from correlation?
- What did Lycurgus do in forming Sparta?
- What is it, if not a kazoo?
- What is something surprising or unknown?
- What is the difference between quantitative easing and lowering interest rates?
- What’s on your mind today and how is it the same?
- Whimsical experiences and surprises in conversations with humans
- Who are you and what questions do you have for me?
- Who are you?”
- Zalgo text generation and transformation requests.