Starbucks Investment Meme Analysis
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🤖 Meme screenshot from a Reddit post titled “Simple changes bro” by u/Peacetache, shared in the “LinkedIn Lunatics” subreddit. The image compares two financial habits labeled as “Person A” and “Person B.” Person A buys Starbucks coffee daily, spending $4 per day, $80 per month, $960 per year, and $19,200 over 20 years, resulting in caffeine consumption but a loss of $19,200. Person B invests the same $4 daily in Starbucks stock, amounting to $19,200 over 20 years with an average 19% annual ROI. The result for Person B shows earnings of $161,396 over 20 years, with $229 per month in dividends. A caption at the bottom advises, “Start Buying Stocks Of The Companies You Love Not Products.” The post has reactions, comments, and reposts.😎
[Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]

🤖 Screenshot of a Google search results page on a mobile device showing 13 results. The search appears to focus on comparisons between buying Starbucks coffee daily versus investing in Starbucks stock. Each result displays a website name, a short preview of the page content, and a small thumbnail image that matches the meme comparing “Person A” buying Starbucks coffee and “Person B” investing in Starbucks stock. The results include links from various sources like LinkedIn,, Reddit, and Know Your Meme, as well as websites on investing, quality compounding, and social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. The top result is from LinkedIn with the Spanish text “No se que magia le…”, while the other titles vary, focusing on themes of investing, saving, and financial advice.
[Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
Hugging Face Dataset Metrics
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