Explanation and examples of the Polish phrase “Co si\u0119 zobaczy ju\u017c nie odzobaczy”
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😎 Explain in English:
“Co się zobaczy już nie odzobaczy”[translate.google.pl][dobryslownik.pl]
🤖 The Polish phrase “Co się zobaczy, już nie odzobaczy” translates to “What is seen cannot be unseen” in English. This expression means that once you have seen something, you cannot forget or erase it from your memory [ref] [ref]. This phrase is often used in contexts where the visual experience has a lasting impact, whether it’s something shocking, surprising, or memorable.[translate.google.pl][dobryslownik.pl]😎 Cite examples of when this sentence was used[dobryslownik.pl][sbogna.blogspot.com]
🤖 The phrase “Co się zobaczy już nie odzobaczy” is used in various contexts to highlight the indelible impact of certain visual experiences. Here are a few examples of its usage:😎 Find more[styl.fm][blog.gosc.pl][sablane.pl]
1. **Literature**: In Zygmunt Miłoszewski’s book *Jak zawsze*, a character reflects on the unforgettable sight of a naked woman in her husband’s office, illustrating the lasting impact of such a shocking image [ref].
2. **Blogs**: A blog post on “Dusza Jezusa” uses the phrase to discuss the transformative and permanent nature of witnessing the Incarnation of the Son of God, indicating that such a profound event leaves a lasting impression that cannot be undone [ref].
These examples demonstrate how the phrase is used to convey the idea that certain experiences, once witnessed, remain with us permanently.[dobryslownik.pl][sbogna.blogspot.com]
🤖 Here are more examples of the phrase “Co się zobaczy już nie odzobaczy” used in various contexts:
1. **Religious Context**: In a blog post on Gość Media, the phrase is used to describe the transformative power of witnessing the truth of the Incarnation of the Son of God. The idea is that once this truth is revealed and experienced, it becomes an indelible part of one’s life [ref].
2. **Humorous Context**: On the website Styl.fm, a gallery of bizarre and useless inventions is introduced with the warning “Co zostało zobaczone, już się nie odzobaczy,” emphasizing that once you see these oddities, you can’t forget them [ref].
3. **Historical Commentary**: The phrase is used on the website of the Stowarzyszenie Pamięci i Świadectwa Arthura Bliss Lane to underscore the lasting impact of recognizing the true nature of historical figures and events. The idea is that once the truth is seen, it cannot be ignored or forgotten [ref].
These examples show the versatility of the phrase in different contexts, from religious reflections to humorous commentaries and historical analyses.[styl.fm][blog.gosc.pl][sablane.pl]
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