Reword and Fix Text for an Investment Platform Profile about…

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😎 can you help me reword this text for a social network profile in an investment platform? “I lived the dot-com crash and the Great Depression from the sidelines, learning. Went through the Asian Debt Crisis from the trenches, working in the Asian financial services industry from late 2005 to early 2008. Working in Tech ever since, growing capital with a mildly risk-averse mindset focused on learning and finding the balance between the three main types of wealth: intellectual, social, and financial.”
🤖 Sure, I can help you with that. Here is a possible rewording of your text:

“I have witnessed the ups and downs of the global economy, from the dot-com bust to the Great Recession, and gained valuable insights along the way. I have also experienced the challenges and opportunities of working in the Asian financial sector during the 2005-2008 debt crisis. Since then, I have been involved in the tech industry, where I invest with a cautious but curious mindset, aiming to grow my intellectual, social, and financial wealth.”
😎 can you fix the text with minimum changes? ” “I lived the dot-com crash and the Great Depression from the sidelines, learning. Went through the Asian Debt Crisis from the trenches, working in the Asian financial services industry from late 2005 to early 2008. Working in Tech ever since, growing capital with a mildly risk-averse mindset focused on learning and finding the balance between the three main types of wealth: intellectual, social, and financial.””
🤖 Sure, I can help you with that. Here is a possible fix of your text with minimum changes:

“I witnessed the dot-com crash and the Great Recession from the sidelines, learning. I survived the Asian Debt Crisis from the trenches, working in the Asian financial services industry from late 2005 to early 2008. I have been working in Tech ever since, growing capital with a mildly risk-averse mindset focused on learning and balancing the three main types of wealth: intellectual, social, and financial.”

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