Metals in the List Lithium Nickel Sodium Cobalt Manganese Inquire
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😎 Are all of the items in this list metals? #lithium #nickel #sodium #cobalt #manganese
🤖 Yes, all of the items in this list are metals. They are commonly used in lithium-ion batteries for mobile devices and electric vehicles, acting as the positively charged cathode [] Lithium, nickel, manganese and cobalt can form different combinations of mixed metal oxides with the general formula LiNi x Mn y Co 1-x-y O 2 [] [] Sodium is a highly reactive metal that can be used in sodium-ion batteries, which are similar to lithium-ion batteries but use sodium ions instead of lithium ions.😎 Are there any other metals commonly used in batteries?
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🤖 Yes, there are other metals commonly used in batteries. Some of them are:
• Zinc, which is used in zinc-carbon and zinc-air primary batteries []
• Carbon, which is used in zinc-carbon and lithium-ion batteries as the cathode material [] []
• Iron, which is used in iron-air and nickel-iron batteries []
• Vanadium, which is used in vanadium redox flow batteries for large-scale energy storage []
• Cadmium, which is used in nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries []
• Platinum group metals (PGMs), which are used in fuel cells for hydrogen vehicles [] [] [] []
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