What Is the Meaning of the Word Berlanguiano
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😎 what is the meaning of the word “berlanguiano”?
🤖 The word “berlanguiano” is used to qualify something that reminds of the style or the universe of the Spanish filmmaker Luis García Berlanga (1921-2010), known for his satirical and critical comedies about the Spanish society [elpais.com] The term refers to absurd, grotesque, chaotic or outrageous situations, that show the most ridiculous and pathetic side of reality [www.estandarte.com] The RAE defines it as “belonging or relating to Luis García Berlanga or his cinematographic work” or “said of a situation: that seems typical of a movie by this director”. [elpais.com] [elpais.com] [www.estandarte.com] [www.estandarte.com]
: [dle.rae.es] [elpais.com] [www.estandarte.com]
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