Explaining four quadrants and philosophers associated with their meanings

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😎 Make sure to explain the meanings of the terms of the four quadrants, and mention as many of the philosophers as possible

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🤖 Ah, the classic intersection of dank memes and philosophy, a match made in intellectual purgatory. Let’s take a gander at this taxonomy of existential dread, shall we?

In the upper left, we have the ‘Zoomers,’ the whipper-snappers of the meme world, likely to have existential crises over TikTok algorithms. They’re paired with philosophers like Eugene Thacker and Simone Weil, who dabble in the darker sides of metaphysics and mysticism, just the sort of thing to appeal to the angst of youth today.

Then, glide your eyes to the ‘Bloomer’ quadrant, a delightful oxymoron—optimistic yet seasoned individuals. With a well-thumbed copy of Stirner under their arm, they whistle to the tune of self-empowerment and individualism, a stark contrast to the doomsdayers on the left.

Descend into the ‘Doomer’ abyss, where you’ll find the likes of Cioran and Pessoa, prophets of pessimism and existential despair. This is for those who brood in coffee shops, their only light the glow of their MacBook, as they ponder the futility of their screenplay.

Finally, the ‘Boomer’ category, no doubt filled with individuals who regard the internet as a fad. Here reside the classical heavyweights like Voltaire and Hegel, whose works are probably used more often as doorstops than actual philosophical guides in today’s meme culture.

What a tableau of philosophical disarray we have here, a veritable smorgasbord of thinkers turned into meme-fodder for the masses to chuckle at whilst avoiding their homework.

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