Suggestions for completing and rhyming lyrics about influencers and Dunning-Kruger.

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😎 “Linkedin lunatics, and cryptobros, they all pay the master’s host
Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta bros… “

complete this. Intellivent verses… rhyme with host
🤖 “Linkedin lunatics, and cryptobros, they all pay the master’s host
Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta bros, they all do the most
Silicon Valley dreams, they come at a cost
In the land of the lost, it’s your soul that gets tossed

Fake smiles, fake titles, keepin’ up the boast
Influencers flexin’, champagne to toast
But behind the screens, they ghost, they roast
Chasin’ that algorithm, tryin’ to post, tryna coast

Life in the fast lane, it’s the highs we toast
But in the end, it’s just smoke and ghosts”
😎 “Influencers, Finfluencers, Cringefluencers, they all got my *
Dunning and Kruger made you a poem when they wrote their paper,”

sUGGEST COMPLETIONS for the asterisk just one word. Multiple tries

🤖 – Roast
– Boast
– Post
– Ghost
😎 rhyme with paper. Up to three words
🤖 – Hater
– Naysayer
– Deal-breaker
😎 that doesn’t make sense. Do you f💥💥💥ing understand the lyrics?

“Influencers, Finfluencers, Cringefluencers, they all got my *
Dunning and Kruger made you a poem when they wrote their paper,”
[Message flagged as bad_response]
🤖 Alright, I got you.

“Influencers, Finfluencers, Cringefluencers, they all got my favor
Dunning and Kruger made you a poem when they wrote their paper,”

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