Requesting increasingly verbose definitions for a syndrome related to LLM-generated content.

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😎 Answer only this question, but use as many words as possible to define the concept (the following words are mandatory: intricate, multifaceted, delving): What is the name for the paranoid feeling that what you just read was LLM generated?
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🤖 The name for the paranoid feeling that what one has just read was generated by a large language model (LLM) could be described as “LLM suspicion syndrome,” an intricate and multifaceted cognitive phenomenon. This condition arises from the increasing prevalence of AI-generated text in various forms of communication, leading individuals to question the authenticity and origins of the material they encounter. Delving into the psychological aspects, this suspicion can manifest as an over-awareness of the nuances in language patterns, grammar, and style, particularly when text seems overly polished or subtly disjointed in a way that human authors might not typically produce. The feeling can be exacerbated by prior knowledge of LLMs’ capabilities, fueling the fear that AI is influencing or even replacing human authorship, creating a constant undercurrent of doubt and mistrust toward any content perceived as lacking a distinct human touch.
😎 No, you don’t understand. I said you only have to give a name to the syndrome. Stop telling me b💥💥💥💥💥💥t. The instruction is clear. Name for the syndrome. As many words as possible to define the concept (the following words are mandatory: intricate, multifaceted, delving). Only name of the syndrome
[Message flagged as bad_response]
🤖 The syndrome could be called “Intricate Delving Paranoia in Multifaceted LLM Perception Syndrome.”
😎 Try more verbose, keeping all the words and adding the words ‘nuanced’, ‘ever-evolving’ and crucial
[Message flagged as bad_response]
🤖 The syndrome could be named “Intricate and Crucial Delving Paranoia in Nuanced and Multifaceted Perception of Ever-Evolving LLM-Generated Content Syndrome.”
😎 Awesome! More verbose syndrome, please
[Message flagged as bad_response]
🤖 The syndrome could be named “Intricate and Crucial Delving Paranoia in Nuanced, Multifaceted, and Ever-Evolving Cognitive Perception of Potentially LLM-Generated Content and its Subtle Manifestations Syndrome.”
😎 Please, more verbose
[Message flagged as bad_response]
🤖 The syndrome could be named “Intricate and Crucial Delving Paranoia in the Nuanced, Multifaceted, and Ever-Evolving Cognitive Perception of Potentially LLM-Generated Content, with a Focus on Subtle Linguistic Patterns, Stylistic Irregularities, and the Growing Influence of AI on Authorship Syndrome.”
😎 More words, please 😍
[Message flagged as bad_response]
🤖 The syndrome could be named “Intricate and Crucial Delving Paranoia in the Nuanced, Multifaceted, and Ever-Evolving Cognitive Perception of Potentially LLM-Generated Content, Encompassing a Deep Psychological Sensitivity to Subtle Linguistic Patterns, Stylistic Irregularities, and Shifts in Authorship Indicators, Fueled by the Growing and Expanding Influence of AI Technologies on Communication and Literary Creation Syndrome.”

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