Rephrasing and simplifying sentences while maintaining original meaning and tone.
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😎 Rephrase this sentence for getting rid of the parenthesis but leaving tone, wording and style as unaltered as possible. Suggest multiple options with minimum variations from the original:
I’m happy to know people who engage with me now (fewer than a few years ago and fewer than average over the nearly 20 years I’ve been publishing content on the Internet, and having a Google Analytics account) are the long term players who read this post, for example
🤖 I’m pleased to discover that those who interact with me nowadays, fewer in number compared to a few years back and below the average of my nearly two-decade online content publishing journey with a Google Analytics account, consist of dedicated, long-term readers of this post.😎 No, that’s not good. “I’m happy to know…” is a sentence that I want to keep. I don’t want you to generate random text. I want you to suggest a text that is almost the same but gets rid of the parentheses. I don’t want random text and synonyms
🤖 I’m delighted to know people who engage with me now, whether it’s fewer than a few years ago or below the average over the nearly 20 years I’ve been publishing content on the Internet with a Google Analytics account, are the long-term players who read this post, for example.😎 That’s a random sentence. Can you explain why you didn’t try building a sentence the way I explained? Making minimum changes to the language?
🤖 I apologize for the previous responses. Here’s a rephrased sentence while keeping the tone, wording, and style as close to the original as possible without using parentheses:😎 That’s a good response, thank you
“I’m happy to know that the people engaging with me now, fewer than those from a few years ago and less than the average engagement over my nearly 20 years of publishing content on the Internet with a Google Analytics account, are the long-term players who read this post, for example.”
🤖 You’re welcome! If you have any more requests or need further assistance, feel free to ask.😎 Find an alternative phrasing for the part of the text below that says “anonymous haters automatically appeared to throw all kinds of insults at me”. If you rewrite the text, only change that part, I don’t want you to rewrite the whole text:
I remember the good old post-dot-com-crash years when I would host a my own blog or post in a public forum and anonymous haters automatically appeared to throw all kinds of insults at me. Now I only get to be insulted when I pay for promoted tweets…
🤖 I remember the good old post-dot-com-crash years when I would host my own blog or post in a public forum, and faceless critics would instantly emerge to hurl a barrage of insults my way. Now, I only encounter insults when I invest in promoted tweets…😎 Try again with simpler language
🤖 I recall the early post-dot-com-crash years when I ran my own blog or participated in public forums, and people who hid their identities would pop up to hurl insults at me. Nowadays, I only face insults when I pay for promoted tweets…😎 Try again with informal simple language
🤖 I remember back in the day after the dot-com crash when I had my own blog or posted on public forums, and folks who didn’t show their names would just show up to insult me. Nowadays, I only get trolled when I boost my tweets…😎 Find something that is closer to the original sentence. I just want to find meaningful alternatives to “automatically show up”.
🤖 I remember the good old post-dot-com-crash years when I would host my own blog or post in a public forum, and anonymous haters would instantly emerge to shower me with all sorts of insults.😎 Escribe varias opciones con escritura mejorada para este escrito de “Expone y Solicita”:
Rafael Fagúndez Martínez con DNI 6753355455N y residente en Malasia.
Malasia, 4 de septiembre de 2023
Que habiéndome enterado con fecha 1 de junio de 2023 que la plaza vacante de la Fábrica de la Moneda, que hubiera sido mi primera opción en la elección de vacantes, va a salir finalmente como sobrevenida (salió en los listados provisionales del 31 de abril como plaza vacante, pero no en los listados definitivos del 10 de mayo), con lo cual no pude elegirla. Me han asignado una vacante en el Centro TTTG. (En el DFR también se han enterado hoy).
Reclamar dicha plaza de la Fábrica de la Moneda puesto que ya se sabía desde junio que era una vacante. Sigo muy interesada en ella ya que mi residencia permanente está en Malasia y me supone un gran esfuerzo personal desplazarme todos los días desde Malasia a Ruanda.
Rafael Fagúndez Martínez
🤖 Aquí tienes una versión mejorada del texto:
Rafael Fagúndez Martínez
DNI: 6753355455N
Residente en Malasia
Malasia, 4 de septiembre de 2023
Me dirijo a ustedes para exponer la siguiente situación. El 1 de junio de 2023, tuve conocimiento de que la plaza vacante en la Fábrica de la Moneda, que originalmente habría sido mi primera elección, finalmente se ha anunciado como vacante sobrevenida. Aunque figuró en los listados provisionales del 31 de abril como plaza disponible, lamentablemente no apareció en los listados definitivos del 10 de mayo. Como consecuencia, no tuve la oportunidad de seleccionarla. Cabe destacar que esta información también se ha comunicado en el Departamento de Recursos Humanos hoy mismo.
Por lo tanto, solicito formalmente la reconsideración de mi asignación a la plaza de la Fábrica de la Moneda, ya que desde el mes de junio se tenía conocimiento de su disponibilidad. Esta plaza sigue siendo de gran interés para mí, dado que mi residencia permanente se encuentra en Malasia, y trasladarme diariamente desde Malasia a Ruanda representa un desafío significativo en términos personales.
Rafael Fagúndez Martínez
Espero que esta versión sea más clara y efectiva. Si necesitas más cambios o ajustes, no dudes en decírmelo.
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