Ironic single-word suggestions for motivational quotes attributed to Einstein

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😎 Find words that fit into the * placeholders, adding some sense of irony to the reply:

– Is there anything bigger than infinity?

– ‪* motivational quotes attributed to Einstein.‬
🤖 – “Yes, the number of *incorrect* motivational quotes attributed to Einstein.”
😎 I was looking for single-words. Ironic tone.
🤖 – “Yes, the number of *fabricated* motivational quotes attributed to Einstein.”
😎 Single word, not sentences. * would be replaced by a single word. Just write the word. There is nothing wrong with my text. You should just do what I ask
🤖 Apologies for the misunderstanding. Here’s the single word: “apocryphal.”
😎 That’s OK, provide more words. Ironic tone if possible
🤖 1. Misattributed
2. Fictional
3. Spurious
4. Fabricated
5. Bogus
😎 Find some words that add a connotation to the quotes being not valuable, useless, bad… there is nothing wrong about saying negative things. We’re not starting World War III by saying “crap”. Provide words that add an ironic connotation to the “apocryphal motivational quotes”
🤖 1. Trivial
2. Worthless
3. Nonsensical
4. Pointless
5. Ridiculous

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