Resultados de búsqueda de estafa
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🤖 Screen capture of a Google search result page, shown in dark mode. The search query entered is “te dirán que es una estafa” (they will tell you it’s a scam). The results include various links, primarily in Spanish, from platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Forocoches, Instagram, and news websites. Each result mentions variations of the phrase “te dirán que es una estafa,” referencing content about scams or being labeled as scams. The page also displays Google’s search tools and features like the top navigation bar for search categories (Images, Videos, News, etc.), a sign-in button, and a section at the bottom noting that similar entries were omitted.
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Hugging Face Dataset Metrics
All the conversation prompts, responses, and metrics are available to download and explore on Hugging Face dataset reddgr/talking-to-chatbots-chats: