Description and transcription requests for images from WildVision Arena and Reddit.
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[image: file-mgdC3KA9ig4ogZjCfiAVCjho]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 You misinterpreted. The image is a screen capture from VisionArena on Hugging Face Spaces. Describe the full image. There aren’t any additional requests
A multi-panel meme featuring scenes with overlaid text related to data science concepts. The first panel shows three people in a library with the words “BELIEFS” and “REALITY” on file drawers and “STATISTICS” in the middle. The second panel is a man aiming a sniper rifle labeled “MACHINE LEARNING,” superimposed over a cityscape, with the text “DATA SCIENCE” above. The third panel depicts a battleship full of sailors with the phrase “LEARNING IS JUST A BYPRODUCT OF THE CORRELATION-CAUSATION FALLACY” across it. The final panel shows a green laser with the text “EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CONFUSES CORRELATION AND CAUSATION ENDS UP DYING.” The source watermark “” is visible on the last panel. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
As for the explanation, the meme satirically presents common misconceptions and jokes about data science. It plays on the confusion between correlation and causation, a frequent error in data analysis where a coincidental relationship between two variables is mistaken for a direct causal link. The humor is derived from the absurdity of the statements and the dramatic imagery.
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎
A screenshot from the VisionArena on Hugging Face Spaces, showing a meme divided into four panels with superimposed text satirizing data science concepts. The top panel shows a scene from a movie with characters in an archive room, the drawers labeled “BELIEFS” and “REALITY,” with “STATISTICS” above. The second panel displays a man with a sniper rifle, labeled “MACHINE LEARNING,” against a backdrop of a city, with “DATA SCIENCE” overhead. The third shows a battleship crew with the text “LEARNING IS JUST A BYPRODUCT OF THE CORRELATION-CAUSATION FALLACY.” The final panel has a green laser beam and the caption “EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CONFUSES CORRELATION AND CAUSATION ENDS UP DYING.” The interface elements of VisionArena, such as the option to “Expand to see Arena players” and the “Model A” selection, are visible. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
[image: file-U1ShjrnECKcM661ia7kP1N0Q]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎
A screenshot of a webpage from displaying an interface for evaluating AI models. The top section shows a partial view of a text output from one of the models, discussing the interpretation of a meme. Below this, two buttons labeled “Model A: gpt-4-vision-preview” and “Model B: cogvlm-chat-hf” are shown. There are voting buttons allowing users to select which model’s output they prefer, with options “A is better,” “B is better,” “Tie,” and “Both are bad.” Below these is an active “Explain this meme” button, a “New Round” button with a dice icon, and a “Regenerate” button with a circular arrow icon. A “Share” button with an image icon is at the bottom. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
[image: file-MJXxREeBHrL2tq9sxV0gCETo]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 please rewrite without all-caps words
A four-panel vertical meme. The top panel shows a movie scene with three individuals standing in front of archive drawers, with each drawer labeled “BELIEFS,” “REALITY,” and “STATISTICS” from left to right. The second panel depicts a man aiming a sniper rifle, with the label “MACHINE LEARNING” and “DATA SCIENCE” superimposed over a cityscape background. The third panel features a black-and-white photo of sailors operating large naval guns on a battleship, with the caption “LEARNING IS JUST A BYPRODUCT OF THE CORRELATION-CAUSATION FALLACY.” The bottom panel shows a green laser beam bending around a planet with the text “EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CONFUSES CORRELATION AND CAUSATION ENDS UP DYING.” The watermark “” is visible at the bottom. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 that’s not a correct interpretation. There is no library or drawers
A four-panel vertical meme. The first panel shows a scene with three people standing in a library archive, with labels on the drawers reading “Beliefs,” “Reality,” and “Statistics.” In the second panel, a man is aiming a sniper rifle, with “Machine Learning” and “Data Science” overlaid on an urban backdrop. The third panel is a historical photo of sailors manning guns on a ship with the phrase “Learning is just a byproduct of the correlation-causation fallacy.” The final panel displays a green laser bending around a planet with the text “Every single person who confuses correlation and causation ends up dying.” The “” watermark is at the bottom. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 The screenshot is from WildVision Arena, a space on Hugging Face
A vertical four-panel meme. The first panel displays a movie scene with three people in an office setting, where files are labeled “Beliefs,” “Reality,” and “Statistics.” The second panel shows a man with a sniper rifle overlooking a city, with text “Machine Learning” and “Data Science.” The third panel presents a historical black-and-white photo of sailors operating anti-aircraft guns on a naval ship, with a caption about learning and the correlation-causation fallacy. The last panel contains an illustration of a green laser beam circling a planet, accompanied by text about the confusion of correlation and causation leading to death. The watermark “” is visible in the last panel. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
[image: file-GfmckclOT81gGXB3uXT6xlET]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎
A screenshot of the WildVision/vision-arena interface on Hugging Face Spaces, displaying two AI-generated explanations for a meme. The meme itself is not fully visible. The interface shows a chat window with two tabs, “Model A” and “Model B,” each providing a different explanation of the meme. Model A’s explanation is partially visible and mentions a man holding a gun and a ship in the background. Model B’s explanation is fully visible, discussing the meme’s use of images to humorously escalate the intensity of the argument about the misuse of correlation and causation in data analysis. Below the explanations are interactive voting buttons for the user to rate which model’s explanation is better or if it’s a tie. At the bottom, there is a “Send” button next to a grayed-out “Regenerate” button, and a “Share” button to the right. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
[image: file-ewhDYvrsEhzKxQgyGsRdiwxE]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 write a single caption for these two screen captures from Reddit
A close-up photo of a person’s hand holding a piece of wood with a peculiar growth pattern, shared on the subreddit r/woodworking. The wood shows dense, regular growth rings on one end, transitioning to widely spaced rings, indicating a period of sudden accelerated growth. The post is titled “Does any know what would cause this sudden accelerated growth?” and is marked with a “Help” flair. The user who posted it is “u/killerwhale_250” and the post has received 1.4k upvotes and 132 comments. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
[image: file-xcsWGlA21UsBW0egEexCQJZj][image: file-Izt6AQjPlVEb8h96cyzjfDfv]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the combined image:😎 now write separate alt texts
Two screen captures from a Reddit thread on r/woodworking discussing the causes of sudden accelerated growth in tree rings. The first capture shows a comment by a user named LumberChop explaining that the wide rings could be due to the tree having less competition for sunlight, which led to more secondary growth. The user simplifies the explanation as an ELI5 (Explain Like I’m Five) and acknowledges it’s an oversimplification. The second capture features a comment by Wood-If-or-Woodn’t suggesting a forest fire allowed the tree to grow faster due to reduced competition. Other users share their thoughts on the ability to read the history of trees through their rings, mention dendrochronology, and recommend resources like a podcast titled “The Fellowship of the Tree Rings” and a book called “Tree Story” by Valerie Trouet. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the first image:😎
A screen capture from the subreddit r/woodworking showing a Reddit post and a comment. The post, with 1.4k upvotes, asks “Does any know what would cause this sudden accelerated growth?” with a “Help” tag. A user, LumberChop, comments that the growth pattern might be due to a release from competition for sunlight. The explanation suggests that without competition, trees tend to focus more on secondary growth, resulting in wider growth rings. The comment has received 117 upvotes. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
Here’s an ALT text for the second image:
A screen capture from the subreddit r/woodworking showcasing various comments under a post discussing the cause of sudden accelerated growth in tree rings. The top comment by Wood-If-or-Woodn’t, highly upvoted with 3.3k points, suggests a forest fire could be the reason. Subsequent comments reflect users’ fascination with dendrochronology and the stories told by tree rings. References are made to resources on the topic, including a radiolab podcast and a book titled “Tree Story.” [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
[image: file-39cSvNgYsPexzTxY1Hc8eDwQ]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 can you transcribe the full text?
A screenshot from the WildVision/vision-arena interface on Hugging Face Spaces, showing a Reddit post from r/woodworking within the chat area. The post questions the cause of sudden accelerated growth in a piece of wood, accompanied by a photo of the wood with visibly wider growth rings. Two AI models, labeled “Model A: gpt-4-vision-preview” and “Model B: blava-v1-6-34b,” provide explanations on the side panels. Model A suggests environmental changes or release from competition for resources as potential causes. Model B humorously suggests the growth acceleration could be due to the image being posted on social media. Voting buttons and a “Send” button are visible at the bottom, with the interface inviting users to interact and assess the models’ explanations. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
[image: file-aGdRh6K1vAnn5L5LimvRWU62]
🤖 The sudden acceleration of the growth could be attributed to the image being posted on social media, as suggested by the message “I posted this on Instagram.” The image features a piece of wood with a tree ring, which is a natural phenomenon that occurs when a tree grows and ages. The growth of the tree ring indicates that the tree has experienced significant changes in its growth patterns, and the image has captured this moment. The person holding the wood piece might have wanted to share this unique and interesting aspect of the tree’s growth with their followers on social media, which led to the sudden acceleration of the growth’s visibility.😎
[image: file-tFQBaYcGX4hwyJDIYkn5wiQ4]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 Make it simpler. Don’t try to interpret the image
A composite image meme comparing the responses of “GPT-4-V” and “Reddit” to a wood growth query. The top left portion shows a Reddit post from r/woodworking with a hand holding a piece of wood having uneven growth rings, captioned “Does any know what would cause this sudden accelerated growth?” Below is the word “GEMINI” with a content smiley face. On the right, two illustrated characters represent GPT-4 and Reddit, reacting to a bell curve labeled with IQ scores. The “GPT-4-V” character appears confused and is labeled with lower IQ percentages, while the “Reddit” character, cloaked and wise-looking, aligns with the higher IQ percentages. The meme implies a humorous contrast in the perceived intelligence of responses from the two sources. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 there are no reactions. Make it shorter
A meme featuring two contrasting reactions to a post from r/woodworking about wood growth. The left side shows a Reddit post with a photo of a hand holding a piece of wood with irregular growth rings. The right side shows two cartoon figures next to a bell curve graph: one labeled “GPT-4-V” with a confused expression and lower IQ scores, and another labeled “REDDIT” with a hooded figure and higher IQ scores. The word “GEMINI” is at the bottom left with a simple drawing of a smiling face. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:😎 Not valid. Write a very short description. The meme is named “IQ Bell Curve”
A meme with a photo from r/woodworking on the left, showing a hand holding wood with varied growth rings, and a text label “Does any know what would cause this sudden accelerated growth?” On the right, two drawings are labeled “GPT-4-V” and “REDDIT,” positioned on either end of a bell curve graph with IQ score percentages. At the bottom left, the word “GEMINI” appears with a sketch of a smiling face. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
🤖 Here’s an ALT text for the image:
A meme titled “IQ Bell Curve” juxtaposes a Reddit post about wood growth rings with caricatures labeled “GPT-4-V” and “REDDIT” on opposing sides of an IQ distribution graph. [Alt text by ALT Text Artist GPT]
Hugging Face Dataset Metrics
All the conversation prompts, responses, and metrics are available to download and explore on Hugging Face dataset reddgr/talking-to-chatbots-chats: