Reddit mascot’s luxurious office and stock market fluctuations after IPO
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😎 It’s the day after Reddit’s IPO. Reddit’s mascot is sitting in his luxurious office posting on Reddit and receiving karma points (up arrows), while the stock market goes up as in the Stonks meme

🛠️ [function call]
🤖 Here are the images based on your description.😎 Make the office more luxurious, painting a picture of unmistakable financial success

🛠️ [function call]
🤖 I’ve created images that portray the Reddit mascot in an even more luxurious office, symbolizing unmistakable financial success.😎 Make it slightly less luxurious

🛠️ [function call]
🤖 The revised images show the Reddit mascot in a luxurious yet slightly less opulent office, balancing high-end elegance with a touch of modesty.😎 The stock starts to go down, but Reddit’s Mascot gets more engaged on his computer and gets some more karma points

🛠️ [function call]
🤖 The images now depict the Reddit mascot becoming more engaged with his computer, earning more karma points, even as the stock market chart behind shows a downturn.
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