Transform wall with giant hole into an exaggerated office building scene.
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😎 A photo showing a wall in a tiled room with a large, irregular hole through which a darker space is visible. Debris from the broken wall is scattered on the floor below the hole.

🛠️ [function call]
🤖 Here are the images based on your description.😎 Make the wall with the giant hole look like an office building

🛠️ [function call]
🤖 Here are the images based on your updated description.😎 Make the hole look exaggeratedly gigantic, as if it was made on a large office building, with a bicycle on the other side

🛠️ [function call]
🤖 Here are the images with the exaggeratedly large hole in an office building’s wall, featuring a bicycle on the other side to emphasize the scale.
Hugging Face Dataset Metrics
All the conversation prompts, responses, and metrics are available to download and explore on Hugging Face dataset reddgr/talking-to-chatbots-chats: