Culture and Entertainment – Internet social media and AI chats
This page serves as an index for all chats in the “Culture and Entertainment” category and “Internet social media and AI” subcategory. All the data, including text classification inferences and metrics, is also available in a structured format, appropriate for machine learning tasks, in the Talking to Chatbots datasets on Hugging Face (TTCB Chats, TTCB Unwrapped Chats).
- Caption creation for an unspecified image or content
- Content strategy for a newsletter on free local weekend events
- DALL·E 3 prompt for a comic of a dog saying ‘this is fine’
- Explanation of uploaded meme
- Feed prompt “stonks meme man” into DALL·E 3 verbatim.
- Meme text suggestions for surfer and surfboard images
- Memes and their descriptions
- Memes and their sources, including sharing options in chat.
- Memes and where to find them
- Memes and where to find them, including sharing options.
- Song recommendation and book suggestions with details about lyrics.
- Stonk meme and social media slang terms: information overload and shitposting
- Summarizing Reddgr and Talking to Chatbots for LinkedIn page content.
- Trails near Madrid, Spain
- What are some memes and where can I find them?