Finding corresponding chapters and parts in The Godfather novel and its Spanish version

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😎 MICHAEL: My father’s no different than any other powerful man—any man who’s responsible for other people, like a senator or a president.
KAY: [laughs] You know how naïve you sound?
KAY: Senators and presidents don’t have men killed.
MICHAEL: Oh. Who’s being naïve, Kay?

In which of the 9 parts of the novel can I find this passage from The Godfather movie?
🤖 The passage you provided is not from the novel “The Godfather” but from the screenplay of the movie “The Godfather” directed by Francis Ford Coppola. It can be found in Part 1 of the movie, specifically in the early scenes where Michael Corleone and Kay Adams have a conversation. The movie closely follows the storyline of the novel written by Mario Puzo, but there are some differences between the two.
😎 Is there any passage of the book that would correspond to that part of the movie’s storyline?
🤖 Yes, the passage you mentioned in the movie corresponds to a similar conversation between Michael Corleone and Kay Adams in the novel “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo. While the dialogue may not be identical, the essence of their conversation about power, responsibility, and the actions of powerful men is present in the book. You can find this conversation in the early parts of the novel when Michael and Kay are getting to know each other.
😎 Can you specify which chapter and which of the 9 parts?
🤖 I apologize for any confusion earlier. “The Godfather” novel by Mario Puzo does not have specific “parts” like the movie. Instead, the story is divided into chapters. The conversation you mentioned takes place in Chapter 9 of the novel. This chapter is titled “Kay” and features the conversation between Michael and Kay Adams.
😎 My version of the book has 9 parts and 32 chapters. Maybe the word “part” is not the one used in the English version. Mine is the Spanish version. How are those 9 parts named in the original version?
🤖 I see the source of the confusion now. The original English version of “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo does not have 9 parts. The book is divided into several chapters, but not into distinct parts with separate names. It’s possible that the Spanish translation of the novel used a different structure or division for the book, which could explain the 9 parts in your version. In the English version, it’s typically divided into chapters, and the conversation you mentioned between Michael and Kay takes place in Chapter 9, titled “Kay.”
😎 I can find chapter 9. There are 32 chapters. But there are also 9 broader “parts” in total. Part 2 starts with chapter 12. Part 3 with chapter 14. Part 4 with chapter 15… I don’t think this is exclusive of the Spanish version
🤖 I appreciate the clarification. It appears that the division into “parts” you mentioned is not exclusive to the Spanish version and might be specific to a particular edition or publisher. Different editions of books can have variations in their structural divisions. In the original English version of “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo, it is typically divided into chapters without these broader “parts.” The conversation you mentioned with Michael and Kay can still be found in Chapter 9 of the book. If your edition has 9 parts, then you can look for this conversation in the corresponding part or chapter.
😎 Yes, I can find chapter 9 included in “part 1”
🤖 Thank you for confirming. In that case, you can find the conversation between Michael and Kay in “Part 1” of your edition of “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo, specifically in Chapter 9. Enjoy reading the book! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

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