Simulating a stochastic oscillator function for algorithmic trading

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😎 Write a function that simulates a stochastic oscillator for algorithmic trading
function stochasticOscillator(closingPrices, highPrices, lowPrices, period) {
  if (closingPrices.length < period || highPrices.length < period || lowPrices.length < period) {
    throw new Error("Input arrays must have at least 'period' number of elements.");

  const stochasticValues = [];
  for (let i = period - 1; i < closingPrices.length; i++) {
    const periodClosePrices = closingPrices.slice(i - period + 1, i + 1);
    const periodHighPrices = highPrices.slice(i - period + 1, i + 1);
    const periodLowPrices = lowPrices.slice(i - period + 1, i + 1);

    const highestHigh = Math.max(...periodHighPrices);
    const lowestLow = Math.min(...periodLowPrices);
    const currentClose = periodClosePrices[periodClosePrices.length - 1];

    const kValue = ((currentClose - lowestLow) / (highestHigh - lowestLow)) * 100;

  return stochasticValues;

This function calculates the stochastic oscillator values for given arrays of closing, high, and low prices with a specified period. Make sure the input arrays are aligned by their indices and have at least as many elements as the specified period.

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