Estimate age based on historical net worth chart by year.

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😎 each bin in the chart is one year. Stacked values represent my historical net worth since a particular year. Guess my age based on this chart.

a graph showing the number of people who have been in the past
🤖 I will analyze this chart to make an educated guess on the user’s age based on the data provided.

1. The chart shows a growth trajectory in assets over a number of years, each bin representing one year, with various asset classes represented: debt, crypto, pension funds, stocks, cash, and home equity adjustments.
2. This net worth growth pattern suggests a longer accumulation period, typical of a professional career span.

Assuming the chart starts with a low net worth level (possibly in the 20s), and this trajectory shows at least 15-20 years of growth, it is reasonable to infer that the user might currently be in their early 40s. This is a rough estimation based on typical career progression and the wealth accumulation stages illustrated in the chart.

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